  1.     1.    a/d: to, toward, near

-- accelerate; accessible ; admittance

2.      act: do

-- activity; react; interaction

3.      agr/i/o: farming

-- agriculture ; agribusiness; agrarian

4.      anti: against, opposite of

-- antibody; antiseptic; antisocial

5.      art: skill

-- artifact ; artisan; artist

6.      auto: self, same, one

-- autocrat; autograph; automatic

7.      bene: good, well

-- benefactor; beneficial; benevolent

8.      bio: life, living matter     

-- biography; biology; biosphere 

9.      cand: glowing, iridescent

-- candid; candle; incandescent

10.   cardi/o: heart

-- cardiac; cardiogenic; cardiologist

11.    go, yield

-- exceed; recede; accessible

12.   Celer: fast

-- accelerate; decelerate

13.   cent/i: hundred, hundredth

-- centennial; centimeter; century

14.   Cert: sure

-- ascertain; certain; certify

15.   cide, cise: cut, kill

-- homicide; incisor; insecticide

16.   Circle: around, about   

-- circumnavigate ; circumscribe; circumspect

17.   claim, clam: shout, speak out

-- clamor; exclaim; proclamation

18.    Cline: lean

-- inclination; incline; recline

19.   Co: with, together, joint

-- coauthor; coeducation; cohousing

20.   Com: together, common

-- commemorate ; composition; commune

21.   Con: with, jointly

-- concur; contemporary; convention

22.   corp/o: body

-- corporation; corpse; corporal - pertaining to the body

23.   Counter: opposite, contrary, opposing

-- counteract; countermand ; counteroffensive

24.   De: reduce, away, down, remove

-- decelerate; dethrone; debug

25.   Deci: one tenth

-- deciliter; decimate; decibel


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